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Private bussiness


A collection of songs 4

A list of employees 4

Ad 1

Agenda 1

Album of drawings 13

Alphabetical List 14

Announcement 1

Appeal 11

Application form 34

Archival material 1

Article 62

Autobiography 6

Biography 3

Black list 2

Book 10

Book galleys 2

Book manuscript 2

Book synopsis 1

Broadcast 5

Brochure 43

Brochure outline 1

Bulletin 71

camera roll 1

Card file 6

Caricature 3

Cartoon 1

Cash book 1

Certification material 1

Characteristic 210

Chronicle of events 3

Circular 3

Collection 2

Collection of documents 6

Collection of materials 2

Collection of memories 2

Collection of poems 1

Combat operations scheme 4

Combat positions diagram 1

Command personnel list 2

Commission report 1

Communiqué 1

Complimentary ticket 1

Concert program 1

Conversation recording 1

Correspondence 174

Covering note 2

Curriculum Vitae 68

Death toll 3

Decision 2

Declaration 1

Decree 1

Delegate List 1

Diary 17

Digest of articles 3

Directive letter 1

Document index 1

Documentary material 4

Draft charter 2

Draft letter 1

Draft manuscript 1

Draft Notes 6

Entry permit 1

Excerpt from document 1

Excerpt from periodicals 34

Excerpt from Resolution 1

Excerpt from the diary 1

Excerpt from the report 1

Excerpt from the speech 1

Exhibition catalog of documents 1

Feature article 2

Feedback 1

Financial document 101

Form 1

Health certificate 1

Historical reference 1

Identity 5

Ikki information material 1

Illustration 1

Indictment 1

Information 20

Information sheet 1

Information summary 1

Inquiry 1

Instructions 41

Interrogation protocol 5

Inventory 3

Inventory of cases 3

Job report 2

Leaflet 10

Ledger 1

Lesson plan 6

Letter 62

Line notes 13

List of communists 1

List of deceased 1

List of deserters 2

List of documents 3

List of listeners 3

List of missing persons 2

List of personnel of the international brigades 121

List of pilots 1

List of political commissars of the international brigades 3

List of prisoners of war 1

List of repatriated 1

List of those arrested 1

List of volunteers 38

List of wounded 5

Lithography 1

Magazine 8

Manifesto 1

Manuscript brochure 3

Map 8

Medical Card 2

Membership card 1

Memo 200

Memorandum 5

Memories 55

Message 4

Methodical material 2

Military ID 1

Newsletter 24

Newspaper 6

Note 6

Notebook 12

Notice 1

Obituary 1

Operational log 1

Operational summary 9

Order 183

Party ticket 1

Passenger List 1

Passport 1

Performance 8

Personal account 1

Personal card 8

Personal document 3

Petition 1

Photo album 25

Photomontage 2

Picture 10

Plan 7

Play 1

Poems 12

Postcard 1

Poster 4

Preparatory material 3

Presentation for the position 2

Printing overview 1

Private bussiness 1217

Program 4

Protocol 26

Receipt 8

reference 10

Registration card 1

Report 244

Reprint from newspaper 1

Resolution 10

Review 1

Scrapbook 1

Screenplay 1

Script draft 1

Sentence 3

Skip 3

Song 4

Staff list 1

Statement 26

Statistical data 56

Statistical report 3

Story 2

Structure statement 2

Subscription list 8

Summary 4

Telegram 5

Textbook 1

The calendar 1

The charter 2

The death toll 2

The note 17

The photo 300

Topographic map 4

Transcript 1

Travel certificate 3

Vedomosti 1

Wall newspaper 14

Welcome letter 9

Welcome telegram 1

Work plan 11

545_6_100 - Case 100. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Aa-Ai) 82 545_6_1000 - Case 1000. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Tha-Thoms) 122 545_6_1001 - Case 1001. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Thomy-Thw) 52 545_6_1002 - Case 1002. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Ti) 77 545_6_1003 - Case 1003. Personal Files of American Volunteers (TO) 113 545_6_1004 - Case 1004. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Tr-U) 20 545_6_1005 - Case 1005. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Va) 83 545_6_1006 - Case 1006. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Ve-Vi) 70 545_6_1007 - Case 1007. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Vo-Vr) 47 545_6_1008 - Case 1008. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Wac-Wan) 149 545_6_1009 - Case 1009. Personal Files of American Volunteers (War-Way) 115 545_6_101 - Case 101. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Al-An) 119 545_6_1010 - Case 1010. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Wea-Wei) 102 545_6_1011 - Case 1011. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Wеl-Wes) 109 545_6_1012 - Case 1012. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Wh) 113 545_6_1013 - Case 1013. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Wic-Wild) 109 545_6_1014 - Case 1014. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Wile-Wit) 76 545_6_102 - Case 102. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Ar-Av) 66 545_6_1023 - Case 1023. Personal files of Uruguayan International Brigade Volunteers (A-W) 139 545_6_1024 - Case 1024. Personal Files of Filipino International Brigade Volunteers 42 545_6_1025 - Case 1025. Miscellaneous lists and summaries of Finnish volunteers -3 545_6_1026 - Case 1026. Personal files of the Finnish volunteers of the international brigades (AE) 91 545_6_1027 - Case 1027. Personal files of the Finnish volunteers of the International Brigades (FJ) 126 545_6_1028 - Case 1028. Personal files of Finnish volunteers of the International Brigades (C) 61 545_6_1029 - Case 1029. Personal files of Finnish volunteers of the International Brigades (L) 70 545_6_103 - Case 103. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Baa-Bar) 128 545_6_1030 - Case 1030. Personal files of Finnish volunteers of the International Brigades (M-O) 18 545_6_1031 - Case 1031. Personal files of Finnish volunteers of the International Brigades (R-R) 67 545_6_1032 - Case 1032. Personal files of Finnish volunteers of the International Brigades (S) 76 545_6_1033 - Case 1033. Personal files of the Finnish volunteers of the international brigades (T-Y) 56 545_6_1034 - Case 1034. Correspondence of the Foreign Personnel Commission on French Volunteers 207 545_6_1035 - Case 1035. Correspondence of the Foreign Personnel Commission with the CP of France on the provision of assistance to the families of volunteers 110 545_6_1036 - Case 1036. Statements of French volunteers of the international brigades for permission to enter different countries 9 545_6_1037 - Case 1037. Statistics on the personnel of French volunteers 11 545_6_1038 - Case 1038. Lists of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (A-K) 334 545_6_1039 - Case 1039. List of French International Brigade Volunteers (LZ) 304 545_6_104 - Case 104. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (Bas-Bay) 76 545_6_1040 - Case 1040. Lists (indicating party affiliation) of French volunteers 50 545_6_1041 - Case 1041. Lists with summary characteristics of French volunteers 183 545_6_1042 - Case 1042. Lists, characteristics of French volunteers of the 14th brigade of the 45th division and other formations (part 1) 186 545_6_1043 - Case 1043. Lists, characteristics of French volunteers of the 14th brigade of the 45th division and other formations (part 2) 151 545_6_1044 - Case 1044. Alphabetical List of Repatriated French Volunteers, CP Members and Non-Party Members 87 545_6_1045 - Case 1045. Lists of captured and missing French volunteers of the international brigades 78 545_6_1046 - Case 1046. Lists of deserters, provocateurs and other suspicious persons of French nationality 126 545_6_1047 - Case 1047. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Ab-Ac) 280 545_6_1048 - Case 1048. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Ad-Ag) 131 545_6_1049 - Case 1049. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Ah-Alb) 92 545_6_105 - Case 105. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (Be) 198 545_6_1050 - Case 1050. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Albe-Alby) 159 545_6_1051 - Case 1051. Personal files of French volunteers of the international brigades (Alc-Alv) 211 545_6_1052 - Case 1052. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Am) 103 545_6_1053 - Case 1053. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (An-And) 272 545_6_1054 - Case 1054. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Anf-Ant) 268 545_6_1055 - Case 1055. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Ao-Arn) 229 545_6_1056 - Case 1056. Personal files of the French volunteers of the International Brigades (Aro-Arz) 132 545_6_1057 - Case 1057. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (As-At) 97 545_6_1058 - Case 1058. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Aub-Aur) 196 545_6_106 - Case 106. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (Bi) 41 545_6_1060 - Case 1060. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Bab-Bac) 129 545_6_1061 - Case 1061. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Bad-Bai) 185 545_6_1062 - Case 1062. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Bal) 179 545_6_1063 - Case 1063. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Bam-Baq) 55 545_6_1064 - Case 1064. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Bar-Bare) 191 545_6_1068 - Case 1068. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Bat) 87 545_6_1069 - Case 1069. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Bau-Baud) 197 545_6_107 - Case 107. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (Bl) 84 545_6_1070 - Case 1070. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Bauе-Bauv) 151 545_6_1071 - Case 1071. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Bav-Baz) 83 545_6_1072 - Case 1072. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Bea) 171 545_6_1073 - Case 1073. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Beb-Bek) 146 545_6_1074 - Case 1074. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Bel) 304 545_6_1075 - Case 1075. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Ben) 338 545_6_1076 - Case 1076. Personal files of the French volunteers of the International Brigades (Ber-Berg) 223 545_6_1077 - Case 1077. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Beri-Bernard) 234 545_6_1078 - Case 1078. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Bernaroli-Berny) 121 545_6_1079 - Case 1079. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Bero-Berti) 156 545_6_108 - Case 108. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (Boc-Bor) 82 545_6_1080 - Case 1080. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Berto-Bez) 265 545_6_1081 - Case 1081. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Bi-Big) 229 545_6_1082 - Case 1082. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Bil-Biz) 272 545_6_1083 - Case 1083. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Bla) 192 545_6_1084 - Case 1084. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Bе-Blu) 212 545_6_1085 - Case 1085. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Bob-Boh) 137 545_6_1088 - Case 1088. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Bom-Bon) 229 545_6_1089 - Case 1089. Personal files of French volunteers of the international brigades (Bоq-Bot) 230 545_6_109 - Case 109. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Bos-Boy) 83 545_6_1091 - Case 1091. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Boucl-Bouk) 113 545_6_1092 - Case 1092. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Boul-Bouq) 135 545_6_1093 - Case 1093. Personal files of French volunteers of the international brigades (Bour-Bourg) 149 545_6_1094 - Case 1094. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Bouri-Boury) 116 545_6_1095 - Case 1095. Personal files of French volunteers of the international brigades (Bous-Boz) 207 545_6_1096 - Case 1096. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Bra) 163 545_6_1097 - Case 1097. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Bre) 241 545_6_1098 - Case 1098. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Bri-Brio) 116 545_6_1099 - Case 1099. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Brig-Briz) 79 545_6_110 - Case 110. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (Bra-Bri) 119 545_6_1100 - File 1100. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Bro-Brot) 131 545_6_1101 - Case 1101. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Brou-Broy) 97 545_6_1102 - Case 1102. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Bru-Brui) 125 545_6_1103 - Case 1103. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Brul-Bruy) 133 545_6_1109 - Case 1109. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Cap-Car) 156 545_6_111 - Case 111. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Bo-Bry) 142 545_6_1110 - Case 1110. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Card-Carp) 219 545_6_1111 - Case 1111. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Carr) 200 545_6_1112 - Case 1112. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Cars-Cat) 171 545_6_1113 - Case 1113. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Cau) 105 545_6_1114 - Case 1114. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Cav-Caz) 163 545_6_1116 - Case 1116. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Cha-Chal) 215 545_6_1117 - Case 1117. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Cham-Chap) 285 545_6_1118 - Case 1118. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Char) 243 545_6_1119 - Case 1119. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Chas-Chat) 90 545_6_112 - Case 112. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (Bu-By) 127 545_6_1122 - Case 1122. Personal files of French volunteers of the international brigades (Chev) 106 545_6_1123 - Case 1123. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Chi) 142 545_6_1124 - Case 1124. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Chn-Cho) 203 545_6_1125 - Case 1125. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Chr-Chu) 102 545_6_1126 - Case 1126. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Ci-Clem) 126 545_6_1127 - Case 1127. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Cler-Clu) 130 545_6_113 - Case 113. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (CA) 183 545_6_1136 - Case 1136. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Cp-Cri) 61 545_6_1137 - Case 1137. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Cro) 100 545_6_1138 - Case 1138. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Cpu) 53 545_6_1139 - Case 1139. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Cu-Cz) 79 545_6_114 - Case 114. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Ca-Ch) 109 545_6_1140 - Case 1140. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Dab-Dal) 80 545_6_1141 - Case 1141. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Dam-Dan) 84 545_6_1142 - Case 1142. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Dao-Dat) 75 545_6_1143 - Case 1143. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Dau) 79 545_6_1144 - Case 1144. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Dav) 41 545_6_1145 - Case 1145. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Dea-Debe) 180 545_6_1146 - Case 1146. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Debi-Debu) 87 545_6_1147 - Case 1147. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Deс) 97 545_6_1148 - Case 1148. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Ded-Dej) 215 545_6_115 - Case 115. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (Cl) 87 545_6_116 - Case 116. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Coc-Col) 141 545_6_117 - Case 117. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Con) 40 545_6_118 - Case 118. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Soo-Sor) 74 545_6_119 - Case 119. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Cor-Soy) 106 545_6_1192 - Case 1192. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Fu) 55 545_6_1193 - Case 1193. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Gab-Gai) 122 545_6_1194 - Case 1194. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Gal) 177 545_6_1197 - Case 1197. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Gard-Gart) 189 545_6_1198 - Case 1198. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Gas-Gat) 85 545_6_120 - Case 120. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Cr) 135 545_6_1201 - Case 1201. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Geb-Gen) 55 545_6_1202 - Case 1202. Personal files of the French volunteers of the International Brigades (Geo-Gera) 126 545_6_1203 - Case 1203. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Gerb-Gey) 198 545_6_1204 - Case 1204. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Gia-Giq) 221 545_6_121 - Case 121. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Cu) 80 545_6_122 - Case 122. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (Da) 134 545_6_1220 - Case 1220. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Guill) 186 545_6_1221 - Case 1221. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Guim-Guit) 90 545_6_1222 - Case 1222. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Gul-Gy) 132 545_6_1223 - Case 1223. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Haa-Hal) 146 545_6_1224 - Case 1224. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Ham) 137 545_6_1225 - Case 1225. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Han-Har) 143 545_6_123 - Case 123. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (De) 64 545_6_124 - Case 124. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (Di) 49 545_6_1248 - Case 1248. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Kh-Ki) 44 545_6_1249 - Case 1249. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Kl) 137 545_6_125 - Case 125. Personal files of British volunteers of the International Brigades (Do-Dr) 190 545_6_1250 - Case 1250. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Kn-Ko) 65 545_6_1251 - Case 1251. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Kr-Ku) 92 545_6_1252 - Case 1252. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Lab) 155 545_6_1253 - Case 1253. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Laс) 81 545_6_1254 - Case 1254. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Lad) 20 545_6_1255 - Case 1255. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Lae-Laf) 74 545_6_1256 - Case 1256. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Lag-Lah) 96 545_6_1257 - Case 1257. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Lai-Laj) 34 545_6_1258 - Case 1258. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Lal) 111 545_6_1259 - Case 1259. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Lam-Lami) 125 545_6_126 - Case 126. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Du-Dw) 133 545_6_1260 - Case 1260. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Lamo-Lamy) 64 545_6_1261 - Case 1261. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Lan-Lane) 113 545_6_1262 - Case 1262. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Lang-Lanz) 148 545_6_1263 - Case 1263. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Lap-Laq) 56 545_6_1264 - Case 1264. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Lar) 130 545_6_1265 - Case 1265. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Las-Lat) 53 545_6_1266 - Case 1266. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Lau) 117 545_6_1267 - Case 1267. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Lav-Laz) 171 545_6_1268 - Case 1268. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Lea-Lebi) 90 545_6_1269 - Case 1269. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Lebl-Lebr) 142 545_6_127 - Case 127. Personal files of the English volunteers of the International Brigades (Ea-Eh) 95 545_6_1270 - Case 1270. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Leca-Lecl) 102 545_6_1271 - Case 1271. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Leco-Lecu) 100 545_6_1272 - Case 1272. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Led) 75 545_6_1273 - Case 1273. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Lee-Lef) 158 545_6_1274 - Case 1274. Personal files of French volunteers of the international brigades (Lega-Lego) 151 545_6_1275 - Case 1275. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Legr-Lei) 127 545_6_1276 - Case 1276. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Lel) 47 545_6_1277 - Case 1277. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Lem) 105 545_6_1278 - Case 1278. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Len) 70 545_6_128 - Case 128. Personal files of the English volunteers of the International Brigades (El-Ep) 30 545_6_1289 - Case 1289. Personal files of the French volunteers of the International Brigades (Lop) 72 545_6_129 - Case 129. Personal file of Alonso Eliott, a member of the Military Commissariat of the International Brigade Base 154 545_6_1290 - Case 1290. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Lоr-Loz) 175 545_6_1291 - Case 1291. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Lua-Lud) 84 545_6_1294 - Case 1294. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Mad-Mae) 90 545_6_1295 - Case 1295. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Mag-Mah) 157 545_6_1296 - Case 1296. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Mai-Mak) 91 545_6_1297 - Case 1297. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Mal) 191 545_6_1298 - Case 1298. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Mam-Maq) 137 545_6_1299 - Case 1299. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Mar-Marc) 42 545_6_130 - Case 130. Personal files of the English volunteers of the International Brigades (Es-Ey) 65 545_6_1302 - Case 1302. Personal files of French volunteers of the international brigades (Mari-Marl) 165 545_6_1303 - Case 1303. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Marn-Mars) 135 545_6_1304 - Case 1304. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Marta-Marti) 47 545_6_1305 - Case 1305. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Martin, part 1) 93 545_6_1306 - Case 1306. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Martin, part 2) 71 545_6_1307 - Case 1307. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Martin, part 3) 78 545_6_1308 - Case 1308. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Marto-Mary) 62 545_6_1309 - Case 1309. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Mas) 87 545_6_131 - Case 131. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (Fa) 70 545_6_1310 - Case 1310. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Mat) 253 545_6_1311 - Case 1311. Personal files of the French volunteers of the International Brigades (Mau) 124 545_6_1312 - Case 1312. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Mav-May) 114 545_6_1313 - Case 1313. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Maz) 91 545_6_1315 - Case 1315. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Mel-Mena) 80 545_6_1322 - Case 1322. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Moa-Moi) 93 545_6_1323 - Case 1323. Personal files of the French volunteers of the International Brigades (Mol-Mom) 122 545_6_1324 - Case 1324. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Mona-Monk) 103 545_6_1325 - Case 1325. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Monn-Moo) 175 545_6_1326 - Case 1326. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Mor-More) 148 545_6_1327 - Case 1327. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Morg-Morw) 101 545_6_1328 - Case 1328. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Mos-Mov) 142 545_6_1329 - Case 1329. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Mue-Mul) 99 545_6_1330 - Case 1330. Personal files of the French volunteers of the International Brigades (Mun-Mur) 104 545_6_1331 - Case 1331. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Na) 204 545_6_1332 - Case 1332. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Ne) 133 545_6_1333 - Case 1333. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Ni) 113 545_6_1334 - Case 1334. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Nob-Noi) 64 545_6_1335 - Case 1335. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Nol-Nov) 104 545_6_1336 - Case 1336. Personal files of the French volunteers of the International Brigades (Nu) 43 545_6_1337 - Case 1337. Personal Files of the French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Oa-Oh) 66 545_6_1338 - Case 1338. Personal files of the French volunteers of the International Brigades (OL) 104 545_6_1339 - Case 1339. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Om-Os) 198 545_6_1340 - Case 1340. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Ot-Oz) 82 545_6_1341 - Case 1341. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Pac-Pak) 130 545_6_1342 - Case 1342. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Pal-Paq) 140 545_6_1343 - Case 1343. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Par) 90 545_6_1344 - Case 1344. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Pas-Pay) 225 545_6_1345 - Case 1345. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Pea-Pei) 103 545_6_1346 - Case 1346. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Pej-Peq) 140 545_6_1347 - Case 1347. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Per, part 1) 122 545_6_1348 - Case 1348. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Per, part 2) 91 545_6_1349 - Case 1349. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Per-Pes) 153 545_6_1350 - Case 1350. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Pet-Pez) 181 545_6_1351 - Case 1351. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Pf-Ph) 98 545_6_1352 - Case 1352. Personal files of the French volunteers of the International Brigades (Pia-Pih) 192 545_6_1353 - Case 1353. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Pil-Piv) 201 545_6_1354 - Case 1354. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Pl) 99 545_6_1355 - Case 1355. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Poa-Pom) 134 545_6_1356 - Case 1356. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Pon-Pos) 195 545_6_1357 - Case 1357. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Pot-Poz) 186 545_6_1358 - Case 1358. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Pra) 91 545_6_1359 - Case 1359. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Pre-Pru) 161 545_6_1360 - Case 1360. Personal files of the French volunteers of the International Brigades (Pu) 153 545_6_1361 - Case 1361. Personal file of Joseph Puetz, a French volunteer 109 545_6_1362 - Case 1362. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Q) 97 545_6_1363 - Case 1363. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Rab-Ral) 46 545_6_1364 - Case 1364. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Ram) 90 545_6_1365 - Case 1365. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Ra-Rat) 155 545_6_1366 - Case 1366. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Rau) 56 545_6_1367 - Case 1367. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Rav-Raz) 65 545_6_1368 - Case 1368. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Rea-Reg) 148 545_6_1369 - Case 1369. Personal files of the French volunteers of the International Brigades (Reh-Rel) 90 545_6_1370 - Case 1370. Personal files of the French volunteers of the International Brigades (Rem-Ren) 97 545_6_1371 - Case 1371. Personal file of the French volunteer Renault Marcel 63 545_6_1372 - Case 1372. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Rеr-Rez) 138 545_6_1373 - Case 1373. Personal Files of the French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Rh-Rich) 137 545_6_1374 - Case 1374. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Riche-Rie) 109 545_6_1375 - Case 1375. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Rif-Rin) 122 545_6_1376 - Case 1376. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Rio-Riz) 129 545_6_1377 - Case 1377. Personal Files of the French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Rob) 197 545_6_1378 - Case 1378. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Ros-Rod) 143 545_6_1379 - Case 1379. Personal files of French volunteers of the international brigades (Roe-Roi) 114 545_6_1380 - Case 1380. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Rоl) 86 545_6_1381 - Case 1381. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Rom-Ron) 133 545_6_1382 - Case 1382. Personal files of French volunteers of the international brigades (Roo-Rosl) 104 545_6_1383 - Case 1383. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Rossm-Ross) 94 545_6_1384 - Case 1384. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Rоt-Rour) 132 545_6_1385 - Case 1385. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Rous) 132 545_6_1386 - Case 1386. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Rout-Roz) 149 545_6_1387 - Case 1387. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Ru-Roh) 112 545_6_1395 - Case 1395. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Sao-Sat) 89 545_6_1396 - Case 1396. Personal Files of the French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Sau) 157 545_6_1397 - Case 1397. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Sav-Saz) 81 545_6_1398 - Case 1398. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Sсa-Sсhl) 178 545_6_1399 - Case 1399. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Sсhm-Sсho) 97 545_6_1400 - Case 1400. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Sсhr-Sсy) 99 545_6_1401 - Case 1401. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Seb-Sej) 213 545_6_1402 - Case 1402. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Sel-Seq) 184 545_6_1403 - Case 1403. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Ser-Sh) 177 545_6_1404 - Case 1404. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Sia-Sim) 121 545_6_1405 - Case 1405. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Sin-Sn) 138 545_6_1406 - Case 1406. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Sob-Sor) 176 545_6_1407 - Case 1407. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Sos-Soul) 165 545_6_1408 - Case 1408. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Soun-Soy) 46 545_6_1409 - Case 1409. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Sp) 100 545_6_1410 - Case 1410a. Interrogation protocols, testimony of witnesses, personal documents in the case of the provocateur L. Stemar 186 545_6_1410 - Case 1410a. Interrogation protocols, testimony of witnesses, personal documents in the case of the provocateur L. Stemar 186 545_6_1411 - Case 1411. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Step-Stu) 95 545_6_1412 - Case 1412. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Su-Sz) 36 545_6_1413 - Case 1413. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Ta-Tan) 137 545_6_1414 - Case 1414. Personal file of the French volunteer Tanguy, political commissar of the 14th International Brigade 26 545_6_1415 - Case 1415. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Tap-Tay) 110 545_6_1416 - Case 1416. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Tch-Ter) 120 545_6_1417 - Case 1417. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Tes-Tex) 75 545_6_1418 - Case 1418. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Tha-Tho) 100 545_6_1419 - Case 1419. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Thom-Thu) 113 545_6_1420 - Case 1420. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Ti) 71 545_6_1421 - Case 1421. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Tos-Tor) 94 545_6_1422 - Case 1422. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Tos-Thoz) 148 545_6_1423 - Case 1423. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Tra-Tri) 131 545_6_1424 - Case 1424. Personal files of French volunteers of the international brigades (Tro-Tru) 97 545_6_1425 - Case 1425. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Tu) 41 545_6_1426 - Case 1426. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (U) 62 545_6_1427 - Case 1427. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Vac-Vaj) 55 545_6_1428 - Case 1428. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Val) 144 545_6_1429 - Case 1429. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Van-Vand) 138 545_6_1430 - Case 1430. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Vandi-Vanv) 94 545_6_1431 - Case 1431. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Vaq-Vay) 153 545_6_1432 - Case 1432. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Veb-Ven) 93 545_6_1433 - Case 1433. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Verb-Verm) 83 545_6_1434 - Case 1434. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Vern-Vey) 127 545_6_1435 - Case 1435. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (Via-Vie) 115 545_6_1436 - Case 1436. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Vig-Vil) 210 545_6_1437 - Case 1437. Personal files of the French volunteers of the international brigades (Vim-Vir) 194 545_6_1438 - Case 1438. Personal files of French volunteers of the international brigades (Vis-Viz) 81 545_6_1439 - Case 1439. Personal file of the French volunteer Antoine Vittori, commander of the quartermaster service of the 14th International Brigade 40 545_6_1440 - Case 1440. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Vl-Voy) 135 545_6_1441 - Case 1441. Personal files of French volunteers of the international brigades (Vr-Vz) 45 545_6_1442 - Case 1442. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Wac-Wau) 159 545_6_1443 - Case 1443. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Web-Wex) 203 545_6_1444 - Case 1444. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Wi) 63 545_6_1445 - Case 1445. Personal Files of French Volunteers of the International Brigades (Wo-Wu) 44 545_6_1446 - Case 1446. Personal files of French volunteers of the International Brigades (YX) 55 545_6_1447 - Case 1447. Personal files of the French volunteers of the International Brigades (Z) 120 545_6_1448 - Case 1448. Correspondence of the Czechoslovak volunteers with the command, hospital staff, among themselves 20 545_6_1449 - Case 1449. Correspondence of the Foreign Personnel Commission on the Czechoslovak Volunteers 9 545_6_1450 - Case 1450. Applications of Czechoslovak Volunteers for Permits to Enter Various Countries 34 545_6_1451 - Case 1451. Report of the Commission on Foreign Personnel under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Spain on the Czechoslovak volunteers 123 545_6_1452 - Case 1452. Statistical Report of the Foreign Personnel Commission on Czechoslovak Volunteers 41 545_6_1453 - Case 1453. Materials for the Statistical Report of the Commission for Foreign Personnel on Czechoslovak Volunteers 58 545_6_1454 - Case 1454. Lists of Czechoslovak volunteers of the international brigades 41 545_6_1455 - Case 1455. Lists of Czechoslovak volunteers of the international brigades 43 545_6_1456 - Case 1456. List of Czechoslovak volunteers of the international brigades 56 545_6_1457 - Case 1457. Lists of Czechoslovak volunteers indicating party affiliation and date of arrival in Spain 40 545_6_1458 - Case 1458. Lists of Czechoslovak volunteers with indication of military units 46 545_6_1459 - Case 1459. Lists of Czechoslovak volunteers with detailed personal data 28 545_6_1460 - Case 1460. Lists of Czechoslovak volunteers with short characteristics 79 545_6_1461 - Case 1461. Lists of repatriated and evacuated Czechoslovak volunteers 24 545_6_1462 - Case 1462. Lists of the killed, captured and missing Czechoslovak volunteers 4 545_6_1463 - Case 1463. Lists of Czechoslovak volunteers in concentration camps in France 6 545_6_1464 - Case 1464. Lists of deserters, traitors, suspicious persons of Czech nationality 22 545_6_1465 - Case 1465. Lists with the addresses of the relatives of the Czechoslovak volunteers who received benefits 18 545_6_1466 - Case 1466. Characteristics of the Czechoslovak volunteers of the international brigades (AB) 155 545_6_1467 - Case 1467. Characteristics of the Czechoslovak volunteers of the international brigades (GZ) 150 545_6_1468 - Case 1468. Characteristics of the Czechoslovak volunteers of the international brigades (I-K) 129 545_6_1469 - Case 1469. Characteristics of the Czechoslovak volunteers of the international brigades (L-O) 143 545_6_1470 - Case 1470. Characteristics of the Czechoslovak volunteers of the international brigades (P-R) 116 545_6_1471 - Case 1471. Characteristics of the Czechoslovak volunteers of the international brigades (S-Sh) 104 545_6_1472 - Case 1472. Characteristics of the Czechoslovak volunteers of the international brigades (T-I) 157 545_6_1473 - Case 1473. Personal files of the Czechoslovak volunteers of the international brigades (A-Z) 219 545_6_1474 - Case 1474. Personal documents of the Czechoslovak volunteer Carlos Vejvoda 215 545_6_1475 - Case 1475. Lists of Chilean Volunteers of the International Brigades 3 545_6_1476 - Case 1476. Personal Files of Chilean Volunteers of the International Brigades (AV) 77 545_6_1477 - Case 1477. Lists with characteristics and biographical data of Swiss volunteers 141 545_6_1478 - Case 1478. Personal files of the Swiss volunteers of the international brigades (A) 45 545_6_1479 - Case 1479. Personal Files of Swiss Volunteers of the International Brigades (Ba-Bi) 122 545_6_1480 - Case 1480. Personal files of Swiss volunteers of the International Brigades (Bl-Bo) 113 545_6_1481 - Case 1481. Personal Files of Swiss Volunteers of the International Brigades (Br-Bu) 134 545_6_1482 - Case 1482. Personal files of Swiss volunteers of the International Brigades (C) 135 545_6_1483 - Case 1483. Personal files of Swiss volunteers of the International Brigades (D) 199 545_6_1484 - Case 1484. Personal files of Swiss volunteers of the International Brigades (E) 67 545_6_1485 - Case 1485. Personal files of Swiss volunteers of the International Brigades (F) 150 545_6_1486 - Case 1486. Personal Files of Swiss Volunteers of the International Brigades (Ga-Gl) 148 545_6_1487 - Case 1487. Personal Files of Swiss Volunteers of the International Brigades (Gm-Gu) 163 545_6_1488 - Case 1488. Personal files of the Swiss volunteers of the international brigades (Na-Ne) 143 545_6_1489 - Case 1489. Personal Files of Swiss Volunteers of the International Brigades (Hi-Hu) 82 545_6_1490 - Case 1490. Personal files of Swiss volunteers of the International Brigades (IJ) 85 545_6_1491 - Case 1491. Personal files of the Swiss volunteers of the International Brigades (C) 155 545_6_1492 - Case 1492. Personal files of Swiss volunteers of the International Brigades (L) 115 545_6_1493 - Case 1493. Personal Files of Swiss Volunteers of the International Brigades (Ma-Me) 191 545_6_1496 - Case 1496. Personal files of Swiss volunteers of the International Brigades (O-R) 159 545_6_1547 - Case 1547. Personal files of Russian emigrants, volunteers of the international brigades (C) 177 545_6_1558 - Case 1558. Lists with characteristics of volunteers of international brigades of unknown nationality 11 545_6_1559 - Case 1559. Lists of Missing Volunteers of International Brigades of Unidentified Nationality 109 545_6_1560 - Case 1560. Lists of deserters, provocateurs, Trotskyists of unknown nationality 8 545_6_1561 - Case 1561. Financial documents of volunteers of international brigades of unknown nationality 160 545_6_1562 - Case 1562. Personal files of volunteers of international brigades of unknown nationality (A) 72 545_6_1565 - Case 1565. Personal files of volunteers of international brigades of unknown nationality (Br-By) 61 545_6_157 - Case 157. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (Ka) 65 545_6_1579 - Case 1579. Personal files of volunteers of international brigades of unknown nationality (Kr-Ky) 50 545_6_1580 - Case 1580. Personal files of volunteers of international brigades of unknown nationality (La-Lh) 77 545_6_1581 - Case 1581. Personal files of volunteers of international brigades of unknown nationality (Li-Lop) 43 545_6_1582 - Case 1582. Personal files of volunteers of international brigades of unknown nationality (Lor-Ly) 37 545_6_1583 - Case 1583. Personal files of volunteers of international brigades of unknown nationality (Mac-Man) 37 545_6_1584 - Case 1584. Personal files of volunteers of international brigades of unknown nationality (Mar-May) 40 545_6_1585 - Case 1585. Personal files of volunteers of international brigades of unknown nationality (Me-Mi) 48 545_6_1586 - Case 1586. Personal files of volunteers of international brigades of unknown nationality (Mo-My) 46 545_6_1587 - Case 1587. Personal files of volunteers of international brigades of unknown nationality (Na-Ne) 49 545_6_1588 - Case 1588. Personal files of volunteers of international brigades of unknown nationality (Ni-Nu) 34 545_6_1589 - Case 1589. Personal files of volunteers of international brigades of unknown nationality (O) 33 545_6_1590 - Case 1590. Personal files of volunteers of international brigades of unknown nationality (Ra-Re) 55 545_6_1591 - Case 1591. Personal files of volunteers of international brigades of unknown nationality (Ph-Po) 106 545_6_1592 - Case 1592. Personal files of volunteers of international brigades of unknown nationality (Pr-Ru) 5 545_6_1593 - Case 1593. Personal files of volunteers of international brigades of unknown nationality (Q-Ra) 33 545_6_160 - Case 160. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Kn-Ky) 53 545_6_162 - Case 162. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Le) 184 545_6_163 - Case 163. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Li-Ll) 66 545_6_164 - Case 164. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (Lo) 80 545_6_165 - Case 165. Personal files of the English volunteers of the international brigades (Lu-Ly) 44 545_6_166 - Case 166. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (Mac) 58 545_6_167 - Case 167. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (Mad-Man) 70 545_6_168 - Case 168. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Mar-May) 92 545_6_169 - Case 169. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (Mc) 129 545_6_170 - Case 170. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (Mc) 132 545_6_171 - Case 171. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (Mc) 161 545_6_172 - Case 172. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (Me) 74 545_6_173 - Case 173. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (Mi) 194 545_6_174 - Case 174. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Mos-Moo) 43 545_6_175 - Case 175. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Mor-Mos) 138 545_6_176 - Case 176. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Mu-My) 161 545_6_177 - Case 177. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Na-Ne) 54 545_6_178 - Case 178. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (Ni) 63 545_6_179 - Case 179. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (No-Nu) 37 545_6_180 - Case 180. Personal files of the English volunteers of the international brigades (Oa-Of) 79 545_6_181 - Case 181. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Og-On) 104 545_6_182 - Case 182. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Or-Ow) 45 545_6_183 - Case 183. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (Ra) 128 545_6_184 - Case 184. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (Re) 138 545_6_185 - Case 185. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Ph-Pl) 59 545_6_186 - Case 186. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (Ro) 70 545_6_187 - Case 187. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Pr) 67 545_6_190 - Case 190. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (Ra) 56 545_6_191 - Case 191. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Re-Rh) 66 545_6_192 - Case 192. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Ri) 112 545_6_193 - Case 193. Personal files of the English volunteers of the international brigades (Roa-Roe) 106 545_6_194 - Case 194. Personal files of the English volunteers of the international brigades (Rоg-Roy) 104 545_6_195 - Case 195. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Ru-Ry) 98 545_6_197 - Case 197. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Sс) 44 545_6_198 - Case 198. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Se-Sg) 44 545_6_199 - Case 199. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (Sh) 59 545_6_2 - Case 2a. Correspondence of members of the Commission on Foreign Personnel under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Spain about former volunteers of the international brigades 111 545_6_200 - Case 200. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Si-Sk) 119 545_6_201 - Case 201. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (Sl) 67 545_6_202 - Case 202. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (Sm) 187 545_6_203 - Case 203. Personal files of British volunteers of the international brigades (Sn-Sp) 82 545_6_204 - Case 204. Personal files of British volunteers of the International Brigades (Sta-Ste) 132 545_6_205 - Case 205. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Sti-Stu) 95 545_6_206 - Case 206. Personal files of British volunteers of the International Brigades (Su-Sy) 73 545_6_207 - Case 207. Personal files of English volunteers of the International Brigades (Ta-Th) 179 545_6_208 - Case 208. Personal Files of the British Volunteers of the International Brigades (Ti-Ty) 129 545_6_209 - Case 209. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (U) 12 545_6_21 - Case 21. Reports of the political commissar of the 15th international brigade A. Lewis 79 545_6_210 - Case 210. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (V) 37 545_6_211 - Case 211. Personal files of the British volunteers of the International Brigades (Wa-Wal) 97 545_6_212 - Case 212. Personal files of British volunteers of the International Brigades (War-Wat) 134 545_6_213 - Case 213. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (We) 62 545_6_214 - Case 214. Personal files of British volunteers of the International Brigades (Wh) 64 545_6_215 - Case 215. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Wie-Wil) 173 545_6_216 - Case 216. Personal files of the British volunteers of the international brigades (Wils-Wit) 205 545_6_217 - Case 217. Personal files of the English volunteers of the international brigades (Wo-Wy) 69 545_6_218 - Case 218. Personal files of the English volunteers of the International Brigades (YZ) 44 545_6_219 - Case 219. Personal files of the Andorian volunteers of the international brigades 25 545_6_22 - Case 22. Elliot's Report on British and Latin American Volunteers 110 545_6_220 - Case 220. Lists and characteristics of Argentine volunteers of the international brigades 49 545_6_221 - Case 221. Application of Argentine Volunteers for Permission to Enter France and the United States 1 545_6_222 - Case 222. Personal files of Argentine volunteers of the international brigades (AB) 108 545_6_223 - Case 223. Personal files of Argentine volunteers of the International Brigades (C) 60 545_6_224 - Case 224. Personal Files of Argentine International Brigade Volunteers (DF) 108 545_6_225 - Case 225. Personal files of Argentine volunteers of the International Brigades (G) 115 545_6_226 - Case 226. Personal files of Argentine volunteers of the international brigades (NK) 59 545_6_227 - Case 227. Personal files of Argentine volunteers of the International Brigades (L) 96 545_6_228 - Case 228. Personal files of Argentine volunteers of the International Brigades (M) 118 545_6_229 - Case 229. Personal files of Argentine volunteers of the International Brigades (NO) 65 545_6_230 - Case 230. Personal files of Argentine volunteers of the International Brigades (R) 57 545_6_231 - Case 231. Personal files of Argentine volunteers of the International Brigades (QR) 38 545_6_232 - Case 232. Personal files of Argentine volunteers of the International Brigades (ST) 47 545_6_233 - Case 233. Personal files of Argentine volunteers of the International Brigades (UV) 61 545_6_234 - Case 234. Lists of Armenian volunteers of the international brigades 4 545_6_235 - Case 235. Personal files of the Armenian volunteers of the international brigades (A-S) 213 545_6_236 - Case 236. Correspondence between A. Marty and the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Spanish Republic about Belgian volunteers 9 545_6_237 - Case 237. Lists of Belgian International Brigade Volunteers 52 545_6_238 - Case 238. Alphabetical Lists of Belgian International Brigade Volunteers 34 545_6_239 - Case 239. Alphabetical List of Belgian International Brigade Volunteers 30 545_6_240 - Case 240. Lists of repatriated and evacuated Belgian volunteers 52 545_6_241 - Case 241. Lists of prisoners and missing Belgian volunteers 7 545_6_242 - Case 242. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the international brigades (A) 100 545_6_243 - Case 243. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the international brigades (VA) 178 545_6_244 - Case 244. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the International Brigades (Be) 165 545_6_245 - Case 245. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the international brigades (Bi-Bl) 56 545_6_246 - Case 246. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the Interbrig (Vaud) 156 545_6_247 - Case 247. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the international brigades (Br-Bu) 80 545_6_248 - Case 248. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the International Brigades (CA) 175 545_6_249 - Case 249. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the international brigades (Сl-Co) 164 545_6_250 - Case 250. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the international brigades (Cr-Cu) 62 545_6_251 - Case 251. Personal files of Belgian International Brigade Volunteers (Da) 69 545_6_252 - Case 252. Personal files of Belgian volunteers of the International Brigades (Deb) 119 545_6_253 - Case 253. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the international brigades (Des-Dek) 156 545_6_254 - Case 254. Personal files of Belgian volunteers of the International Brigades (Del) 127 545_6_256 - Case 256. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the international brigades (Dеn-Dep) 51 545_6_257 - Case 257. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the international brigades (Der-Des) 119 545_6_258 - Case 258. Personal files of Belgian volunteers of the international brigades (Det-Dew) 117 545_6_259 - Case 259. Personal files of Belgian International Brigade Volunteers (Di-Dr) 105 545_6_26 - Case 26. Report on the history of the formation of the 11th international brigade 92 545_6_260 - Case 260. Personal files of Belgian volunteers of the International Brigades (Du-Dy) 182 545_6_262 - Case 262. Personal files of Belgian volunteers of the International Brigades (F) 148 545_6_263 - Case 263. Personal files of Belgian volunteers of the International Brigades (Ga-Ge) 126 545_6_264 - Case 264. Personal files of Belgian volunteers of the International Brigades (Gi) 124 545_6_265 - Case 265. Personal Files of Belgian Volunteers of the International Brigades (Gl-Go) 114 545_6_266 - Case 266. Personal Files of Belgian International Brigade Volunteers (Gr-Gy) 133 545_6_267 - Case 267. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the International Brigades (NA) 91 545_6_268 - Case 268. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the international brigades (Not) 139 545_6_269 - Case 269. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the international brigades (Hi-Ho) 145 545_6_27 - Case 27. Draft version of the report on the history of the formation of the 11th international brigade 160 545_6_270 - Case 270. Personal files of Belgian volunteers of the International Brigades (Hu) 72 545_6_271 - Case 271. Personal files of Belgian International Brigade Volunteers (IJ) 117 545_6_272 - Case 272. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the International Brigades (C) 66 545_6_273 - Case 273. Personal Files of Belgian International Brigade Volunteers (La) 124 545_6_274 - Case 274. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the International Brigades (Le) 173 545_6_275 - Case 275. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the International Brigades (Li-Lu) 188 545_6_276 - Case 276. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the international brigades (Mae-Mar) 154 545_6_277 - Case 277. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the international brigades (Mas-Mat) 124 545_6_278 - Case 278. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the International Brigades (Mau-Me) 73 545_6_279 - Case 279. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the international brigades (Mi-My) 197 545_6_28 - Case 28. Report by G. Shinda on the hostile activities of organizations and individuals of German nationality 117 545_6_280 - Case 280. Personal files of Belgian volunteers of the International Brigades (N) 123 545_6_281 - Case 281. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the International Brigades (O) 34 545_6_282 - Case 282. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the International Brigades (Ra) 74 545_6_283 - Case 283. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the International Brigades (Re) 68 545_6_284 - Case 284. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the international brigades (Pi-Pl) 115 545_6_285 - Case 285. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the International Brigades (Ro-Pu) 60 545_6_286 - Case 286. Personal files of Belgian volunteers of the International Brigades (Q) 6 545_6_287 - Case 287. Personal Files of Belgian Volunteers of the International Brigades (Ra-Rh) 77 545_6_288 - Case 288. Personal Files of Belgian International Brigade Volunteers (Ri-Ru) 124 545_6_289 - Case 289. Personal Files of Belgian International Brigade Volunteers (Sa-Sc) 172 545_6_29 - Case 29. Characteristics of A. Marty to American and Canadian volunteers 16 545_6_290 - Case 290. Personal Files of Belgian Volunteers of the International Brigades (Se-Si) 49 545_6_291 - Case 291. Personal files of Belgian volunteers of the International Brigades (Sm-Sp) 108 545_6_292 - Case 292. Personal files of Belgian volunteers of the International Brigades (Sm-Sp) 116 545_6_293 - Case 293. Personal Files of Belgian International Brigade Volunteers (Ta-Te) 37 545_6_294 - Case 294. Personal files of Belgian volunteers of the International Brigades (Th) 119 545_6_295 - Case 295. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the International Brigades (Ti-Tu) 103 545_6_296 - Case 296. Personal files of Belgian volunteers of the International Brigades (U) 5 545_6_297 - Case 297. Personal files of Belgian volunteers of the International Brigades (Va) 46 545_6_298 - Case 298. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the international brigades (Van, part 1) 100 545_6_299 - Case 299. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the international brigades (Van, part 2) 90 545_6_30 - Case 30. General alphabetical list of volunteers of the international brigades 163 545_6_300 - Case 300. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the international brigades (Van, part 3) 96 545_6_301 - Case 301. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the international brigades (Van, part 4) 78 545_6_302 - Case 302. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the international brigades (Van, part 5) 75 545_6_303 - Case 303. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the international brigades (Van, part 6) 114 545_6_304 - Case 304. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the international brigades (Vea-Ver) 119 545_6_305 - Case 305. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the International Brigades (Ver-Vra) 103 545_6_306 - Case 306. Personal files of Belgian volunteers of the International Brigades (W) 144 545_6_307 - Case 307. Personal files of the Belgian volunteers of the international brigades (X, Y, Z) 13 545_6_308 - Case 308. Draft version of the report by Mikhailov and Edo on the Bulgarian volunteers 17 545_6_309 - Case 309. Statements of Bulgarian volunteers for permission to enter France, the USSR and other countries 23 545_6_31 - Case 31. Lists of volunteers of international brigades of different nationalities 319 545_6_310 - Case 310. Statistical data on the Bulgarian volunteers of the international brigades 19 545_6_311 - Case 311. Characteristics of Bulgarian Volunteers (AG) 86 545_6_312 - Case 312. Characteristics of Bulgarian volunteers (KY) 129 545_6_313 - Case 313. Different lists of Bulgarian volunteers of the international brigades 27 545_6_314 - Case 314. Lists with characteristics of Bulgarian volunteers 22 545_6_315 - Case 315. Lists of dead and missing Bulgarian volunteers of the international brigades 17 545_6_316 - Case 316. Lists of Bulgarian volunteers in concentration camps in France and those who left for the USSR 31 545_6_317 - Case 317. Personal files of the Bulgarian volunteers of the international brigades (A-Y) 169 545_6_318 - Case 318. Personal files of Bolivian volunteers of the international brigades 29 545_6_319 - Case 319. Applications by Brazilian Volunteers for Permission to Enter Chile 3 545_6_32 - Case 32. Lists of volunteers of international brigades of different nationalities 28 545_6_320 - Case 320. Lists and characteristics of Brazilian volunteers of the international brigades 39 545_6_321 - Case 321. Personal files of the Brazilian volunteers of the International Brigades (A-F) 166 545_6_322 - Case 322. Personal files of Brazilian International Brigade Volunteers (GR) 132 545_6_323 - Case 323. Personal files of Brazilian volunteers of the International Brigade (SV) 98 545_6_324 - Case 324. Applications of Hungarian Volunteers for Permits to Enter Different Countries 74 545_6_325 - Case 325. Brief characteristics of the Hungarian communists 21 545_6_326 - Case 326. Brief characteristics of non-party Hungarian volunteers 22 545_6_327 - Case 327. Statistical materials on the Hungarian volunteers of the international brigades 84 545_6_328 - Case 328. Lists of Hungarian volunteers with their biographies 27 545_6_329 - Case 329a. Protocols, letters, certificates of Hungarian volunteers on the Laszlo Firtosh case 138 545_6_329 - Case 329a. Protocols, letters, certificates of Hungarian volunteers on the Laszlo Firtosh case 138 545_6_33 - Case 33. Lists of members of the Central Committee and representatives of the Communist Party of different countries, volunteers of the international brigades 82 545_6_330 - Case 330. Lists with summary characteristics of Hungarian volunteers (A-E) 69 545_6_331 - Case 331. Lists with summary characteristics of Hungarian volunteers (FH) 73 545_6_332 - Case 332. Lists with summary characteristics of Hungarian volunteers (IM) 43 545_6_333 - Case 333. Lists with summary characteristics of Hungarian volunteers (NZ) 123 545_6_334 - Case 334. Alphabetical lists of Hungarian volunteers with indication of party affiliation 13 545_6_335 - Case 335. Alphabetical Lists of Hungarian Volunteers with Country of Origin 16 545_6_336 - Case 336. Lists of Hungarian volunteers in French concentration camps to be repatriated 8 545_6_337 - Case 337. Lists of prisoners, deserters, unreliable persons of Hungarian nationality -1 545_6_338 - Case 338. Notes, receipts, membership cards of the Hungarian Volunteer Anti-Fascist Club 42 545_6_339 - Case 339. Personal files of Hungarian volunteers of the international brigades (A-D) 71 545_6_34 - Case 34. Lists of officers and political workers of the international brigades 128 545_6_340 - Case 340. Personal files of Hungarian volunteers of the International Brigades (FG) 144 545_6_341 - Case 341. Personal files of Hungarian volunteers of the International Brigades (HJ) 166 545_6_342 - Case 342. Personal files of Hungarian volunteers of the international brigades (K-R) 109 545_6_343 - Case 343. Personal files of Hungarian volunteers of the international brigades (RZ) 182 545_6_344 - Case 344. Personal file of a Venezuelan volunteer 0 545_6_345 - Case 345. Applications of German Volunteers for Permits to Enter Different Countries 138 545_6_346 - Case 346. Report of the Commission on Foreign Personnel under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Spain on German volunteers 66 545_6_347 - Case 347. List of German Volunteers from Mexico 57 545_6_348 - Case 348. Lists with personal data of German volunteers of international brigades 75 545_6_349 - Case 349. Lists with biographies and characteristics of German volunteers 88 545_6_35 - Case 35. Lists of volunteers who arrived in Spain from 29.05 to 31.12.1937 295 545_6_350 - Case 350. Lists with characteristics, biographies of German volunteers, compiled by G. Schinda (A-E) 104 545_6_352 - Case 352. Lists with characteristics, biographies of German volunteers, compiled by G. Schinda (K-Q) 198 545_6_353 - Case 353. Lists with characteristics, biographies of German volunteers, compiled by G. Schinda (RS) 149 545_6_354 - Case 354. Lists with characteristics, biographies of German volunteers, compiled by G. Schinda (T-Z) 76 545_6_355 - Case 355. Lists of KP and Komsomol assets in Germany, participants in the war in Spain 19 545_6_356 - Case 356. Lists of Repatriated German Communists in Spain 56 545_6_357 - Case 357. Lists with characteristics of repatriated and repatriated German communists 42 545_6_358 - Case 358. Lists of persons of German nationality rejected for shipment to Spain 78 545_6_359 - Case 359. Lists of deserters, Trotskyists, provocateurs and other persons of German nationality 199 545_6_36 - Case 36. Lists of volunteers who arrived in Spain from 02.01 to 09.09.1938 188 545_6_360 - Case 360. Lists of spies, Gestapo agents, Trotskyists, provocateurs of German nationality 11 545_6_361 - Case 361. Lists of Suspicious Persons of German Nationality in Spain (AB) 80 545_6_362 - Case 362. Lists of suspicious persons of German nationality in Spain (C-F) 59 545_6_363 - Case 363. Lists of Suspicious Persons of German Nationality in Spain (GJ) 96 545_6_364 - Case 364. Lists of suspicious persons of German nationality in Spain (K-M) 119 545_6_365 - Case 365. Lists of suspicious persons of German nationality in Spain (NS) 138 545_6_366 - Case 366. Lists of suspicious persons of German nationality in Spain (T-Z) 73 545_6_367 - Case 367. Personal files of the German volunteers of the international brigades (A) 74 545_6_368 - Case 368. Personal files of the German volunteers of the international brigades (Ba-Ve) 149 545_6_369 - Case 369. Personal files of German volunteers of the international brigades (Bi-Bo) 69 545_6_37 - Case 37. Lists of volunteers of different nationalities who arrived from Mexico 31 545_6_370 - Case 370. Personal Files of German Volunteers of the International Brigades (Br-Bu) 96 545_6_371 - Case 371. Personal files of the German volunteers of the international brigades (C) 49 545_6_372 - Case 372. Personal files of German volunteers of the International Brigades (D) 82 545_6_373 - Case 373. Personal files of the German volunteers of the international brigades (E) 58 545_6_374 - Case 374. Personal files of the German volunteers of the international brigades (F) 109 545_6_375 - Case 375. Personal Files of German Volunteers of the International Brigades (Ga-Go) 111 545_6_376 - Case 376. Personal files of German volunteers of the international brigades (Gr-Gu) 93 545_6_377 - Case 377. Personal files of the German volunteers of the international brigades (Na-Ne) 87 545_6_378 - Case 378. Personal Files of German Volunteers of the International Brigades (Hi-Hu) 100 545_6_379 - Case 379. Personal files of German volunteers of the International Brigades (IJ) 65 545_6_38 - Case 38. Lists of volunteers with indication of publications with information about them 28 545_6_380 - Case 380. Personal files of the German volunteers of the international brigades (Ka) 75 545_6_381 - Case 381. Personal files of German volunteers of the international brigades (Ke-Kn) 96 545_6_382 - Case 382. Personal files of German volunteers of the international brigades (Ko-Ku) 122 545_6_383 - Case 383. Personal files of German volunteers of the international brigades (La-Le) 71 545_6_384 - Case 384. Personal files of German volunteers of the international brigades (Li-Ly) 85 545_6_385 - Case 385. Personal files of the German volunteers of the international brigades (Ma-Me) 138 545_6_386 - Case 386. Personal files of German volunteers of the international brigades (Mi-Mu) 67 545_6_387 - Case 387. Personal files of German volunteers of the International Brigades (NO) 37 545_6_388 - Case 388. Personal files of the German volunteers of the international brigades (P) 93 545_6_389 - Case 389. Personal files of German volunteers of the international brigades (Raa-Rav) 170 545_6_39 - Case 39. Lists of volunteers from Australia, England, USA, Ireland, Canada and other countries 211 545_6_390 - Case 390. Personal Files of German Volunteers of the International Brigades (Re-Ry) 151 545_6_391 - Case 391. Personal files of the German volunteers of the International Brigades (Sa) 27 545_6_392 - Case 392. Personal files of the German volunteers of the international brigades (Scha-Schu) 144 545_6_393 - Case 393. Personal files of the German volunteers of the International Brigades (Se-Sto) 115 545_6_394 - Case 394. Personal file of the commander of the 11th International Brigade Steimer Richard 128 545_6_395 - Case 395. Personal files of German volunteers of the international brigades (Str-Stz) 70 545_6_396 - Case 396. Personal files of German volunteers of the International Brigades (TV) 94 545_6_397 - Case 397. Personal files of German volunteers of the International Brigades (WZ) 191 545_6_398 - Case 398. Internal inventories of disbanded cases 74 545_6_399 - Case 399. Correspondence of the Commission on Foreign Personnel under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Spain with the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Holland 10 545_6_4 - Case 4. Memoirs of A. Marty on the situation of French volunteers 90 545_6_40 - Case 40. Lists of volunteers from the USA, England, Canada, Latin America 155 545_6_400 - Case 400. Reports and Statistics on Dutch Volunteers of the International Brigades 49 545_6_401 - Case 401. Alphabetical List of Dutch International Brigade Volunteers 8 545_6_402 - Case 402. Lists with personal data of Dutch volunteers of international brigades 46 545_6_403 - Case 403. Lists with the characteristics of the Dutch volunteers of the international brigades 41 545_6_404 - Case 404. Lists with characteristics and biographies of Dutch communists 94 545_6_405 - Case 405. Characteristics of Repatriated Dutch International Brigade Volunteers 19 545_6_406 - Case 406: Characteristics of Repatriated Dutch International Brigade Volunteers, Non-KP 16 545_6_407 - Case 407. Lists of Trotskyists, provocateurs, deserters, spies of Dutch nationality 10 545_6_408 - Case 408. Personal files of Dutch volunteers of the International Brigades (AK) 66 545_6_409 - Case 409. Personal files of Dutch volunteers of the International Brigades (L) 191 545_6_41 - Case 41. Lists of volunteers from Denmark, Holland, Norway, Sweden 17 545_6_410 - Case 410. Personal files of Dutch volunteers of the International Brigades (M-Z) 66 545_6_411 - Case 411. Letters from the secretary of the Marseille branch of the Association of Greek sailors 10 545_6_412 - Case 412. Lists of Greek volunteers in the international brigades 50 545_6_413 - Case 413. Personal files of the Greek volunteers of the international brigades (A) 97 545_6_414 - Case 414. Personal files of the Greek volunteers of the international brigades (B-E) 65 545_6_415 - Case 415. Personal files of the Greek volunteers of the international brigades (F-H) 100 545_6_416 - Case 416. Personal files of the Greek volunteers of the international brigades (J-K) 60 545_6_417 - Case 417. Personal files of the Greek volunteers of the International Brigades (M) 126 545_6_418 - Case 418. Personal files of the Greek volunteers of the international brigades (N) 43 545_6_419 - Case 419. Personal files of the Greek volunteers of the International Brigades (P) 106 545_6_42 - Case 42. Lists of Latin American volunteers of the international brigades 72 545_6_420 - Case 420. Personal files of the Greek volunteers of the International Brigades (S) 60 545_6_421 - Case 421. Personal files of Greek International Brigade Volunteers (TZ) 75 545_6_422 - Case 422. Personal file of Chepelis Eleutternos 68 545_6_423 - Case 423. Alphabetical List of Danish International Brigade Volunteers 5 545_6_424 - Case 424. Lists of Danish International Brigade Volunteers 107 545_6_425 - Case 425. G. Shinda's lists of Danish volunteers of the international brigades (A-W) 60 545_6_426 - Case 426. Lists with characteristics of repatriated Danish communists 16 545_6_427 - Case 427. Lists with characteristics of repatriated Danish non-partisan volunteers 17 545_6_428 - Case 428. Photocopies of personal cards of Danish volunteers of the international brigades 135 545_6_429 - Case 429. Personal files of Danish volunteers of the International Brigades (AB) 78 545_6_430 - Case 430. Personal files of Danish volunteers of the International Brigades (ST) 137 545_6_431 - Case 431. Personal files of Danish International Brigade Volunteers (J) 66 545_6_432 - Case 432. Personal files of Danish volunteers of the International Brigades (K-O) 46 545_6_433 - Case 433. Personal files of Danish volunteers of the International Brigades (P-Z) 36 545_6_434 - Case 434. Internal inventories of disbanded cases 2 545_6_435 - Case 435. Personal files of the Dominican volunteers of the international brigades 29 545_6_436 - Case 436. Personal files of Egyptian volunteers of the international brigades 16 545_6_437 - Case 437. Personal Files of Iraqi International Brigade Volunteers 29 545_6_438 - Case 438. Personal file of the Iranian volunteer Simon Maurice - a participant in the war in Spain 13 545_6_439 - Case 439. Lists with a summary of the characteristics of the Irish volunteers of the international brigades 11 545_6_440 - Case 440. Lists and Characteristics of Repatriated Irish Volunteers 9 545_6_441 - Case 441. Personal Files of Irish Volunteers of the International Brigades (B-D) 67 545_6_442 - Case 442. Personal Files of Irish Volunteers of the International Brigades (E-K) 59 545_6_443 - Case 443. Personal Files of Irish International Brigade Volunteers (MN) 67 545_6_444 - Case 444. Personal Files of Irish Volunteers of International Brigades (O) 100 545_6_445 - Case 445. Personal Files of Irish Volunteers of the International Brigades (P-W) 44 545_6_446 - Case 446. Personal file of the Icelandic volunteer of the international brigades Halgrimur Halgrimson 0 545_6_447 - Case 447. Alphabetical List of Spanish International Brigade Volunteers 71 545_6_448 - Case 448. Alphabetical Lists of Spanish Volunteers Controlled in Albacete 94 545_6_449 - Case 449. Lists with characteristics and biographies of Spanish volunteers of the international brigades 110 545_6_450 - Case 450. Lists of missing Spanish volunteers (part 1) 122 545_6_451 - Case 451. Lists of missing Spanish volunteers (part 2) 128 545_6_452 - Case 452. Lists of missing Spanish volunteers (part 3) 139 545_6_453 - Case 453. Lists of captured Spanish volunteers of the international brigades 9 545_6_454 - Case 454. List of Spanish suspects arrested in Albacete 4 545_6_455 - Case 455. Personal files of Spanish volunteers of international brigades (A) 48 545_6_456 - Case 456. Personal files of Spanish volunteers of the International Brigades (B) 32 545_6_457 - Case 457. Personal files of Spanish volunteers of the International Brigades (C) 33 545_6_458 - Case 458. Personal files of Spanish International Brigade Volunteers (DE) 25 545_6_459 - Case 459. Personal files of Spanish volunteers of the International Brigades (F) 23 545_6_460 - Case 460. Personal files of Spanish volunteers of the International Brigades (G) 66 545_6_461 - Case 461. Personal files of Spanish volunteers of the International Brigades (H-J) 25 545_6_462 - Case 462. Personal files of Spanish volunteers of the International Brigades (L) 108 545_6_463 - Case 463. Personal files of Spanish volunteers of the International Brigades (M) 93 545_6_464 - Case 464. Personal files of Spanish volunteers of the International Brigades (NQ) 71 545_6_465 - Case 465. Personal files of Spanish volunteers of the International Brigades (R) 72 545_6_466 - Case 466. Personal files of Spanish volunteers of the International Brigades (S) 81 545_6_467 - Case 467. Personal files of the Spanish volunteers of the international brigades (T-V) 44 545_6_468 - Case 468. Correspondence about work among Italian soldiers of the regular army 91 545_6_469 - Case 469. Correspondence about Italian volunteers, their repatriation, evacuation, employment 32 545_6_469 - Case 469. Correspondence about Italian volunteers, their repatriation, evacuation, employment 32 545_6_470 - Case 470. Lists, applications of Italian volunteers for permission to enter different countries 150 545_6_471 - Case 471. Statistical materials on the Italian volunteers of the international brigades 177 545_6_472 - Case 472. Lists of Italian volunteers with personal data 109 545_6_473 - Case 473. Miscellaneous Lists of Italian Volunteers of the International Brigades 200 545_6_474 - Case 474. Miscellaneous Lists, Characteristics of Italian Volunteers 249 545_6_475 - Case 475. Lists indicating the number of the party card of Italian volunteers 25 545_6_476 - Case 476. Lists of Italian volunteers sent through France to Spain (part 1) 186 545_6_477 - Case 477. Lists of Italian volunteers of the international brigades sent through France to Spain (part 2) 190 545_6_478 - Case 478. Lists of Italian volunteers who arrived from Corsica, from Belgium, via Figueres 24 545_6_479 - Case 479. Lists with characteristics of Italian volunteers from Italy, the USA and other countries 26 545_6_48 - Case 48. Lists of volunteers of the Sanitary Service of the International Brigades 63 545_6_480 - Case 480. Alphabetical Lists of Italian Volunteers, CP Members and Non-Party Members 58 545_6_481 - Case 481. Lists of personnel of the 12th International Brigade named after Garibaldi 190 545_6_482 - Case 482. Lists of Italian Volunteers in the Republican Army of Spain 99 545_6_483 - Case 483. Lists with the characteristics of the awarded Italian volunteers of the international brigades 11 545_6_484 - Case 484. List of Italian volunteers of the international brigades who arrived in the USSR 4 545_6_485 - Case 485. Lists of Italian Volunteers Whose Families Need Help 39 545_6_486 - Case 486. Lists of killed, wounded, prisoners, missing Italian volunteers 64 545_6_487 - Case 487. Lists, characteristics of spies, deserters, provocateurs of Italian nationality 169 545_6_488 - Case 488. Characteristics of young Italian communists and Komsomol members given by Edo 65 545_6_489 - Case 489. Brief characteristics of Italian volunteers given by Pavanin (A) 69 545_6_49 - Case 49. Lists of personnel of military units of international brigades 217 545_6_490 - Case 490. Brief characteristics of the Italian volunteers of the international brigades, given by Pavanin (B) 204 545_6_491 - Case 491. Brief characteristics of the Italian volunteers compiled by Pavanin (C) 359 545_6_492 - Case 492. Pavanin's summary of Italian volunteers from the international brigades (D) 132 545_6_494 - Case 494. Brief characteristics of the Italian volunteers of the international brigades, given by Pavanin (F) 186 545_6_495 - Case 495. Pavanin's (G) Summary Characteristics of Italian Volunteers 210 545_6_496 - Case 496. Brief characteristics of Italian volunteers given by Pavanin (H) 3 545_6_497 - Case 497. Pavanin (IK) Summary Characteristics of Italian Volunteers 38 545_6_498 - Case 498. Pavanin's Summary of Italian Volunteers (L) 99 545_6_499 - Case 499. Brief characteristics of Italian volunteers given by Pavanin (M) 349 545_6_5 - Case 5. Information about the personnel, supply of the 15th international brigade 33 545_6_50 - Case 50. Lists of personnel of unidentified units 85 545_6_500 - Case 500. Brief characteristics of Italian volunteers given by Pavanin (N) 49 545_6_501 - Case 501. Brief characteristics of Italian volunteers given by Pavanin (O) 35 545_6_503 - Case 503. Pavanin's (Q) Summary Characteristics of Italian Volunteers 11 545_6_505 - Case 505. Brief characteristics of Italian volunteers given by Pavanin (S) 213 545_6_506 - Case 506. Brief characteristics of Italian volunteers given by Pavanin (T) 122 545_6_508 - Case 508. Pawanin (VW) Summary of Italian Volunteers 119 545_6_509 - Case 509. Pavanin (YZ) Summary of Italian Volunteers 64 545_6_51 - Case 51. Lists of the wounded, killed, missing volunteers from the USA, England, Canada 109 545_6_510 - Case 510. Personal files of the Italian volunteers of the international brigades (A) 104 545_6_511 - Case 511. Personal files of the Italian volunteers of the international brigades (B) 198 545_6_512 - Case 512. Personal files of Italian volunteers of the International Brigades (Cab-Cas) 172 545_6_513 - Case 513. Personal Files of Italian Volunteers of the International Brigades (Cat-Cu) 75 545_6_514 - Case 514. Personal files of Italian International Brigade Volunteers (DF) 221 545_6_515 - Case 515. Personal file of Italian volunteer Gimadori Alfredo 66 545_6_52 - Case 52. Lists of wounded, killed Austrian and German volunteers 39 545_6_529 - Case 529. Personal Files of Italian International Brigade Volunteers (Se-Sy) 136 545_6_53 - Case 53. Lists of Repatriated American, British and Canadian Volunteers 71 545_6_530 - Case 530. Personal files of Italian volunteers of the International Brigades (T) 168 545_6_531 - Case 531. Personal files of Italian volunteers of the International Brigades (UV) 127 545_6_532 - Case 532. Personal files of Italian International Brigade Volunteers (YZ) 55 545_6_533 - Case 533. Internal inventories of disbanded cases 72 545_6_534 - Case 534. Correspondence of the Commission on Foreign Personnel under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Spain with the Base of the International Brigades 75 545_6_535 - Case 535. Correspondence on the Repatriation of Canadian Volunteers, on the Friends of the Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion Society 26 545_6_536 - Case 536. Alphabetical Lists of Canadian Volunteers 57 545_6_537 - Case 537. Lists and Characteristics of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers 172 545_6_538 - Case 538. Lists of Captives and Missing Canadian Volunteers 11 545_6_539 - Case 539. Brief characteristics of the Canadian volunteers of the international brigades 105 545_6_54 - Case 54. Lists and statistical information about volunteers repatriated from Spain from 07.1037 to 10.1938 233 545_6_540 - Case 540. Characteristics of French Canadian Volunteers Returning from Prisons 16 545_6_541 - Case 541. Personal files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (A) 164 545_6_542 - Case 542. Personal Files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (Wa-Ve) 146 545_6_543 - Case 543. Personal Files of Canadian Inter-Brigade Volunteers (Bi-By) 237 545_6_544 - Case 544. Personal Files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (Ca-Cl) 115 545_6_545 - Case 545. Personal Files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (Co-Cu) 161 545_6_546 - Case 546. Personal Files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (D) 126 545_6_547 - Case 547. Personal Files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (E) 162 545_6_548 - Case 548. Personal Files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (F) 154 545_6_549 - Case 549. Personal Files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (Ca-Co) 165 545_6_55 - Case 55. Lists of volunteers evacuated from Spain in April-November 1938. 88 545_6_550 - Case 550. Personal Files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (Cr-Cu) 78 545_6_551 - Case 551. Personal Files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (Na-Ne) 152 545_6_552 - Case 552. Personal Files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (Hi-Hy) 137 545_6_553 - Case 553. Personal Files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (I) 12 545_6_554 - Case 554. Personal Files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (J) 60 545_6_555 - Case 555. Personal Files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (Ka-Kl) 101 545_6_556 - Case 556. Personal files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (Ko-Ku) 130 545_6_557 - Case 557. Personal Files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (L) 143 545_6_558 - Case 558. Personal Files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (Ma) 175 545_6_559 - Case 559. Personal files of Canadian volunteers of the International Brigades (Mas-Mc) 197 545_6_56 - Case 56. Lists of volunteers wishing to leave for the Soviet Union 112 545_6_560 - Case 560. Personal Files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (Me-My) 231 545_6_561 - Case 561. Personal files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (N) 85 545_6_562 - Case 562. Personal Files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (O) 102 545_6_563 - Case 563. Personal Files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (Ra-Ph) 183 545_6_564 - Case 564. Personal Files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (Pi-Py) 115 545_6_565 - Case 565. Personal Files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (Ra) 85 545_6_566 - Case 566. Personal Files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (Ro) 97 545_6_567 - Case 567. Personal Files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (Ru-Ry) 52 545_6_568 - Case 568. Personal Files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (Sa-Se) 157 545_6_569 - Case 569. Personal Files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (Sh-Sn) 205 545_6_57 - Case 57. Lists of volunteers repatriated to France and Algeria 115 545_6_571 - Case 571. Personal files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (Ta) 38 545_6_572 - Case 572. Personal files of Canadian volunteers of the International Brigades (Te-Tu) 145 545_6_573 - Case 573. Personnel file of Canadian volunteer Jack Taylor 160 545_6_574 - Case 574. Personal Files of Canadian Interbrigade Volunteers (UV) 45 545_6_575 - Case 575. Personal Files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (W) 182 545_6_576 - Case 576. Personal Files of Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (YZ) 54 545_6_577 - Case 577. List of Cypriot International Brigade Volunteers 3 545_6_578 - Case 578. Personal files of the Cypriot volunteers of the international brigades 92 545_6_579 - Case 579. List of Chinese International Brigade Volunteers 6 545_6_58 - Case 58. Lists of volunteers evacuated from Sant'Agro 21 545_6_580 - Case 580. Personal Files of Chinese International Brigade Volunteers 175 545_6_581 - Case 581. Personal files of the Colombian volunteers of the International Brigades 22 545_6_582 - Case 582. Personal Files of Costa Rican Volunteers of International Brigades 32 545_6_583 - Case 583. Correspondence of the Commission on Foreign Personnel under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Spain with the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba about Cuban volunteers 6 545_6_584 - Case 584. Cuban Volunteer Applications for Entry Permit to Argentina, USA 2 545_6_585 - Case 585. Lists and characteristics of Cuban volunteers 145 545_6_586 - Case 586. Personal files of Cuban volunteers of the International Brigades (A) 222 545_6_587 - Case 587. Personal files of the Cuban volunteers of the International Brigades (B) 119 545_6_588 - Case 588. Personal files of Cuban volunteers of the international brigades (Ca-Cu) 156 545_6_589 - Case 589. Personal Files of Cuban Volunteers of the International Brigades (Ch) 23 545_6_59 - Case 59a. Lists of former volunteers in concentration camps in France and North Africa 149 545_6_59 - Case 59a. Lists of former volunteers in concentration camps in France and North Africa 149 545_6_590 - Case 590. Personal Files of Cuban International Brigade Volunteers (D) 124 545_6_591 - Case 591. Personal files of the Cuban volunteers of the International Brigades (E) 18 545_6_592 - Case 592. Personal Files of Cuban Volunteers of the International Brigades (F) 119 545_6_593 - Case 593. Personal Files of Cuban Volunteers of the International Brigades (Ga-Gi) 101 545_6_594 - Case 594. Personal Files of Cuban Volunteer International Brigades (Go-Gu) 150 545_6_595 - Case 595. Personal Files of Cuban Volunteers of the International Brigades (HJ) 72 545_6_596 - Case 596. Personal files of Cuban volunteers of the International Brigades (L) 147 545_6_597 - Case 597. Personal files of Cuban volunteers of the International Brigades (M) 198 545_6_598 - Case 598. Personal Files of Cuban Volunteers of the International Brigades (NO) 24 545_6_599 - Case 599: Canadian International Brigade Volunteers (PQ) Records 130 545_6_6 - Case 6. Statistical information on the national composition of the international brigades 36 545_6_60 - Case 60. Lists of women in concentration camps, letters from women from the camps 23 545_6_600 - Case 600. Personal files of Cuban volunteers of the International Brigades (R) 233 545_6_601 - Case 601. Personal files of Cuban volunteers of the International Brigades (S) 201 545_6_602 - Case 602. Personal files of Cuban volunteers of the International Brigades (T) 49 545_6_603 - Case 603. Personal Files of Cuban Volunteers of the International Brigades (UY) 102 545_6_604 - Case 604. Applications of Latvian volunteers for permits to enter different countries 27 545_6_605 - Case 605. Lists of Latvian volunteers of international brigades 2 545_6_606 - Case 606. Personal files of the Latvian volunteers of the international brigades (C-V) 56 545_6_607 - Case 607. Personal file of the Lebanese volunteer of the international brigades 1 545_6_608 - Case 608. Lists of Lithuanian volunteers with characteristics and biographical information 46 545_6_609 - Case 609. Personal files of the Lithuanian volunteers of the international brigades (A-N) 110 545_6_61 - Case 61. Lists of volunteers from Austria and Germany who were in the Gürs concentration camp 13 545_6_610 - Case 610. Personal files of Lithuanian volunteers of international brigades (JM) 164 545_6_611 - Case 611. Personal files of Lithuanian volunteers of international brigades (NR) 104 545_6_612 - Case 612. Personal files of Lithuanian volunteers of international brigades (S) 182 545_6_613 - Case 613. Personal files of Lithuanian volunteers of international brigades (TZ) 139 545_6_614 - Case 614. Lists with the characteristics of the Luxembourg volunteers of the international brigades 4 545_6_615 - Case 615. Personal files of the Luxembourg volunteers of the international brigades 211 545_6_616 - Case 616. Correspondence with the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Mexico about Mexican volunteers 71 545_6_617 - Case 617. Lists and characteristics of Mexican volunteers of the international brigades 27 545_6_618 - Case 618. Personal files of Mexican volunteers (AM) 122 545_6_619 - Case 619. Personal Files of Mexican Volunteers (NW) 121 545_6_62 - Case 62. Lists of Nazi agents, Trotskyists, provocateurs, deserters in international brigades 46 545_6_620 - Case 620. Personal file of the Nicaraguan volunteer of the international brigades 14 545_6_621 - Case 621. Lists with characteristics of Norwegian volunteers; statistical materials 79 545_6_622 - Case 622. Brief information about the Norwegian volunteers of the international brigades 74 545_6_623 - Case 623. Photocopies of personal cards of Norwegian volunteers of the international brigades 74 545_6_624 - Case 624. Personal files of Norwegian volunteers of the international brigades (A-W) 111 545_6_625 - Case 625. Lists of Palestinian International Brigade Volunteers 6 545_6_626 - Case 626. Personal Files of Palestinian Volunteers of the International Brigades 166 545_6_627 - Case 627. Personal files of Panamanian volunteers of the International Brigades (A-Z) 11 545_6_628 - Case 628. Personal files of the Paraguayan volunteers of the International Brigades (A-V) 87 545_6_629 - Case 629. Personal Files of Peruvian International Brigade Volunteers (DV) 48 545_6_63 - Case 63. Lists of deserters, Trotskyists from the Scandinavian countries in the international brigades 20 545_6_630 - Case 630. Applications of Polish volunteers for permission to enter Belgium, Sweden, Canada 14 545_6_631 - Case 631. Applications of Polish volunteers for permission to enter Latin America 126 545_6_632 - Case 632. Applications of Polish Volunteers for Permission to Enter the United States 60 545_6_633 - Case 633. Applications of Polish volunteers for permission to enter France 109 545_6_634 - Case 634. Reports of Polish Volunteers Who Came to the Soviet Union about Spain 175 545_6_635 - Case 635. Statistical information of the Foreign Personnel Commission on Polish volunteers 47 545_6_636 - Case 636. Lists of Polish volunteers of the international brigades 96 545_6_637 - Case 637. Lists with characteristics of Polish volunteers of international brigades 167 545_6_638 - Case 638. Lists of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (card index) 282 545_6_639 - Case 639. List of Polish volunteers of the international brigades, compiled by the Special Sector of the Central Committee of the CPSU 100 545_6_64 - Case 64. Lists of deserters and prisoners of war of American, Canadian volunteers of the international brigades 8 545_6_640 - Case 640. Lists of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (notebook) 41 545_6_641 - Case 641. Lists with characteristics of the Polish communists-inter-brigade 148 545_6_642 - Case 642. Lists with characteristics of non-partisan Polish volunteers 55 545_6_643 - Case 643. Lists of Polish volunteers (indicating the military ID number) 126 545_6_644 - Case 644. Lists of Evacuated and Repatriated Polish Volunteers 11 545_6_645 - Case 645. List of Polish volunteers of the international brigades who arrived in the USSR 9 545_6_646 - Case 646. Lists of the Missing Polish Volunteers of the International Brigades 49 545_6_647 - Case 647. Lists of Polish volunteers in concentration camps in France and North Africa 246 545_6_648 - Case 648. List of Polish volunteers in concentration camps or elsewhere in France 25 545_6_649 - Case 649. Lists of deserters, provocateurs, suspicious persons of Polish nationality 52 545_6_65 - Case 65. Lists of volunteers arrested in France 7 545_6_650 - Case 650. Autobiographies of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (AO) 143 545_6_651 - Case 651. Autobiographies of Polish Volunteers of the International Brigades (P-Ya) 154 545_6_652 - Case 652. Characteristics of Polish volunteers given by A. Marty 72 545_6_653 - Case 653. Brief biographical data and characteristics of Polish volunteers (A) 36 545_6_654 - Case 654. Brief biographical data and characteristics of Polish volunteers (B) 133 545_6_655 - Case 655. Brief biographical data and characteristics of Polish volunteers (C) 41 545_6_656 - Case 656. Curriculum Vitae and Characteristics of Polish Volunteers (D) 42 545_6_657 - Case 657. Brief biographical data and characteristics of Polish volunteers (E) 10 545_6_658 - Case 658. Curriculum Vitae and Characteristics of Polish Volunteers (F) 48 545_6_659 - Case 659. Curriculum Vitae and Characteristics of Polish Volunteers (G) 105 545_6_66 - Case 66. Lists of provocateurs, fascists expelled from the organizations of France 54 545_6_660 - Case 660. Brief biographical data and characteristics of Polish volunteers (N) 40 545_6_661 - Case 661. Brief biographical data and characteristics of Polish volunteers (I) 10 545_6_662 - Case 662. Brief biographical data and characteristics of Polish volunteers (J) 28 545_6_663 - Case 663. Curriculum Vitae and Characteristics of Polish Volunteers (Ka-Koh) 101 545_6_664 - Case 664. Brief biographical data and characteristics of Polish volunteers (Kok-Kw) 120 545_6_665 - Case 665. Curriculum Vitae and Characteristics of Polish Volunteers (L) 58 545_6_666 - Case 666. Brief biographical data and characteristics of Polish volunteers (M) 144 545_6_667 - Case 667. Brief biographical data and characteristics of Polish volunteers (N) 28 545_6_668 - Case 668. Brief biographical data and characteristics of Polish volunteers (O) 22 545_6_669 - Case 669. Brief biographical data and characteristics of Polish volunteers (P) 80 545_6_67 - Case 67. Lists of Australian and New Zealand volunteers captured 10 545_6_670 - Case 670. Brief biographical data and characteristics of Polish volunteers (R) 74 545_6_671 - Case 671. Brief biographical data and characteristics of Polish volunteers (Sa-Sr) 136 545_6_672 - Case 672. Curriculum Vitae and Characteristics of Polish Volunteers (St-Sz) 125 545_6_673 - Case 673. Brief biographical data and characteristics of Polish volunteers (T) 34 545_6_674 - Case 674. Curriculum Vitae and Characteristics of Polish Volunteers (U) 6 545_6_675 - Case 675. Curriculum Vitae and Characteristics of Polish Volunteers (W) 123 545_6_676 - Case 676. Brief biographical data and characteristics of Polish volunteers (Z) 46 545_6_677 - Case 677. Personal files of Polish volunteers of international brigades (A) 40 545_6_678 - Case 678. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (B) 165 545_6_679 - Case 679. Personal files of Polish volunteers of international brigades (C) 54 545_6_68 - Case 68. Personal files of Australian and New Zealand volunteers of the international brigades (A-V) 262 545_6_680 - Case 680. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the International Brigades (D) 58 545_6_681 - Case 681. Personal files of Polish volunteers of international brigades (E) 114 545_6_682 - Case 682. Personal Files of Polish Volunteers of the International Brigades (Fa-Fi) 176 545_6_683 - Case 683. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the International Brigades (Fl-Fo) 121 545_6_684 - Case 684. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Fr-Fu) 169 545_6_685 - Case 685. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Gab-Gar) 270 545_6_686 - Case 686. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Gas-Gb) 232 545_6_687 - Case 687. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Gd-Ges) 114 545_6_688 - Case 688. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Gi) 80 545_6_689 - Case 689. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Gl-Gn) 109 545_6_69 - Case 69. Reports of the Commission on Foreign Personnel under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Spain on Austrian volunteers 35 545_6_690 - Case 690. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (God-Golde) 102 545_6_691 - Case 691. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Goldf-Gon) 134 545_6_692 - Case 692. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Gor-Goz) 0 545_6_693 - Case 693. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the International Brigades (Gra-Gre) 88 545_6_694 - Case 694. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Gri-Gro) 142 545_6_699 - Case 699. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Han-Haz) 112 545_6_70 - Case 70. Applications of Austrian volunteers for permits to enter different countries 279 545_6_700 - Case 700. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (He) 127 545_6_701 - Case 701. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Hi-Hon) 111 545_6_702 - Case 702. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Hor-I) 268 545_6_703 - Case 703. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Jab-Jak) 112 545_6_704 - Case 704. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Jam-Jan) 153 545_6_705 - Case 705. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Jar-Jas) 146 545_6_706 - Case 706. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Jat-Ju) 362 545_6_707 - Case 707. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Kas) 123 545_6_708 - Case 708. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Kaf-Kal) 109 545_6_709 - Case 709. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Kam-Kan) 187 545_6_71 - Case 71. Statistics on Austrian volunteers of the international brigades 39 545_6_710 - Case 710. Personal file of Kanner Jadwiga, Polish volunteer of the international brigades 107 545_6_711 - Case 711. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Kar-Kar) 211 545_6_72 - Case 72. Lists of Austrian volunteers of the international brigades (A-G) 324 545_6_722 - Case 722. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the International Brigades (Kow) 115 545_6_723 - Case 723. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Koz) 69 545_6_73 - Case 73. Lists of Austrian volunteers of the international brigades (N-O) 295 545_6_737 - Case 737. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Lu-Ly) 155 545_6_738 - Case 738. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Maa-Maj) 148 545_6_739 - Case 739. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (McMann) 121 545_6_74 - Case 74. Lists of Austrian International Brigade Volunteers (PZ) 296 545_6_740 - Case 740. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Mar) 242 545_6_741 - Case 741. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Mas-Maz) 248 545_6_742 - Case 742. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the International Brigades (Me) 135 545_6_743 - Case 743. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Mic-Mik) 204 545_6_744 - Case 744. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Mil-Mio) 103 545_6_745 - Case 745. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Mir-Miz) 179 545_6_746 - Case 746. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (ML-Mo) 182 545_6_747 - Case 747. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Mr-My) 105 545_6_748 - Case 748. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Na-Ne) 116 545_6_75 - Case 75. Various lists of Austrian volunteers of the international brigades 117 545_6_750 - Case 750. Personal files of Polish International Brigade Volunteers (Ob-Ol) 203 545_6_751 - Case 751. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Om-Oso) 133 545_6_752 - Case 752. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Ost-Oz) 141 545_6_753 - Case 753. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Ras-Pal) 154 545_6_754 - Case 754. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Ran-Ras) 168 545_6_755 - Case 755. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Pe-Pf) 181 545_6_756 - Case 756. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Рia-Рig) 233 545_6_757 - Case 757. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Рil-Рix) 142 545_6_758 - Case 758. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Pl-Pn) 86 545_6_759 - Case 759. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Rob-Rom) 110 545_6_76 - Case 76. Lists of Austrian volunteers of the international brigades 58 545_6_760 - Case 760. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Pon-Roz) 98 545_6_761 - Case 761. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Pre-Ru) 199 545_6_762 - Case 762. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Prz-Ry) 174 545_6_763 - Case 763. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Rab-Rap) 135 545_6_764 - Case 764. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Ras-Rd) 211 545_6_765 - Case 765. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the International Brigades (Re) 144 545_6_766 - Case 766. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Ri) 66 545_6_767 - Case 767. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the International Brigades (Rob-Rom) 130 545_6_768 - Case 768. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Ron-Row) 94 545_6_769 - Case 769. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Rosb-Roze) 199 545_6_77 - Case 77. Lists of Austrian volunteers of the international brigades 94 545_6_770 - Case 770. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Rozi-Ro) 79 545_6_771 - Case 771. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Ru) 146 545_6_772 - Case 772. Personal files of Polish volunteers of international brigades (Ru) 120 545_6_773 - Case 773. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the International Brigades (Sa) 121 545_6_774 - Case 774. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the International Brigades (Sch) 209 545_6_775 - Case 775. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Se) 101 545_6_776 - Case 776. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the International Brigades (Si) 192 545_6_777 - Case 777. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Sk) 203 545_6_778 - Case 778. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the International Brigades (Sl) 115 545_6_779 - Case 779. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the International Brigades (Sm-Sol) 273 545_6_78 - Case 78. Lists of spies, provocateurs, deserters, Trotskyists of Austrian nationality 34 545_6_780 - Case 780. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the International Brigades (Son-Sr) 109 545_6_781 - Case 781. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Sta) 156 545_6_782 - Case 782. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Ste-Sti) 118 545_6_783 - Case 783. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Stо-Stu) 140 545_6_784 - Case 784. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the International Brigades (Su) 134 545_6_785 - Case 785. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Sw-Sy) 55 545_6_786 - Case 786. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Sza-Szil-Szyl) 297 545_6_787 - Case 787. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Szim-Szys) 130 545_6_788 - Case 788. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Szк-Szr) 148 545_6_789 - Case 789. Personal file of Karl Schmidt, Polish volunteer 121 545_6_79 - Case 79. Personal files of Austrian volunteers (A-F) 114 545_6_790 - Case 790. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Szt-Szy) 134 545_6_791 - Case 791. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Tab-Tar) 103 545_6_792 - Case 792. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Tau-Te) 175 545_6_793 - Case 793. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Ti-Tra) 230 545_6_794 - Case 794. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Tre-Tu) 279 545_6_795 - Case 795. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the International Brigades (U) 123 545_6_796 - Case 796. Personal Files of Polish Volunteers of the International Brigades (Wac-Wajn) 103 545_6_797 - Case 797. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the International Brigades (Wajs-Wal) 192 545_6_798 - Case 798. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Wan-Was) 119 545_6_799 - Case 799. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the International Brigades (Wat-Wed) 74 545_6_80 - Case 80. Personal files of Austrian volunteers (G-K) 101 545_6_800 - Case 800. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Wеg-We) 94 545_6_801 - Case 801. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Wia-Wik) 75 545_6_802 - Case 802. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the International Brigades (Wil-Wit) 297 545_6_803 - Case 803. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Wod-Wojn) 212 545_6_804 - Case 804. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Wojt-Wor) 203 545_6_805 - Case 805. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Woz-Wu) 169 545_6_806 - Case 806. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the International Brigades (Wy-Y) 228 545_6_807 - Case 807. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Zab-Zaj) 288 545_6_808 - Case 808. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Zak-Zaw) 244 545_6_809 - Case 809. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Zb-Zg) 169 545_6_81 - Case 81. Personal files of Austrian volunteers (LM) 183 545_6_810 - Case 810. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Zich-Zim) 139 545_6_811 - Case 811. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Zin-Zum) 129 545_6_812 - Case 812. Personal files of Polish volunteers of the international brigades (Zur-Z) 158 545_6_813 - Case 813. Internal inventory that does not correspond to the content of cases 155 545_6_814 - Case 814 Correspondence of the Foreign Personnel Commission on Portuguese Volunteers 39 545_6_815 - Case 815. Applications by Portuguese Volunteers for Permission to Enter the United States and Tangier 1 545_6_816 - Case 816. Lists with characteristics of Portuguese volunteers in Spain 18 545_6_817 - Case 817. Personal Files of Portuguese Volunteers (AB) 90 545_6_818 - Case 818. Personal files of Portuguese volunteers (C) 135 545_6_819 - Case 819. Personal Files of Portuguese Volunteers (D) 128 545_6_82 - Case 82. Personal files of Austrian volunteers (NZ) 145 545_6_820 - Case 820. Personal Files of Portuguese Volunteers (EF) 51 545_6_821 - Case 821. Personal Files of Portuguese Volunteers (GJ) 51 545_6_822 - Case 822. Personal Files of Portuguese Volunteers (L) 19 545_6_823 - Case 823. Personal Files of Portuguese Volunteers (M) 112 545_6_824 - Case 824. Personal Files of Portuguese Volunteers (NO) 61 545_6_825 - Case 825. Personal Files of Portuguese Volunteers (PQ) 53 545_6_826 - Case 826. Personal files of Portuguese volunteers (R) 150 545_6_827 - Case 827. Personal files of Portuguese volunteers (S) 101 545_6_828 - Case 828. Personal files of Portuguese volunteers (TX) 28 545_6_829 - Case 829. Personal Files of Puerto Rican International Brigade Volunteers 139 545_6_83 - Case 83. Skander Luarasi Report on Albanian Volunteers 21 545_6_830 - Case 830. Articles of the representative of the Communist Party of Romania in Spain and Paris Alexander on the events in Spain 66 545_6_831 - Case 831. Correspondence of the Romanian volunteers with the representative of the CP of Romania and Spain, the Assistance Committee 202 545_6_832 - Case 832. Letters from Romanian Volunteers to the Romanian Section of the Foreign Personnel Commission (AN) 250 545_6_833 - Case 833. Letters from Romanian Volunteers to the Romanian Section of the Foreign Personnel Commission (RW) 161 545_6_834 - Case 834. Statistical materials of the Foreign Personnel Commission on Romanian volunteers 62 545_6_835 - Case 835. Lists and brief characteristics of the Romanian volunteers of the international brigades 62 545_6_836 - Case 836. CVs of Romanian Volunteers (A-F) 85 545_6_837 - Case 837. CVs of Romanian Volunteers (GI) 42 545_6_838 - Case 838. Curriculum Vitae of Romanian Volunteers (CR) 63 545_6_839 - Case 839. Curriculum Vitae of Romanian Volunteers (RZ) 101 545_6_84 - Case 84. Lists and photographs of Albanian volunteers 8 545_6_840 - Case 840. Personal files of Romanian volunteers (VK) 158 545_6_841 - Case 841. Personal files of the Romanian volunteers of the international brigades (LZ) 152 545_6_842 - Case 842. Brief description of the Salvadoran volunteer of the international brigades 0 545_6_843 - Case 843. Characteristics and biographical data of the Syrian volunteers of the international brigades 2 545_6_844 - Case 844. Correspondence of the Foreign Personnel Commission with the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the United States about American Volunteers 62 545_6_845 - Case 845. Alphabetical List of American International Brigade Volunteers 57 545_6_846 - Case 846. Lists of American International Brigade Volunteers (A-Z) 69 545_6_847 - Case 847. Lists of American Volunteers with Personal Data (A-Z) 113 545_6_848 - File 848. List of American volunteers who arrived in Spain 17.03-30.07.1937. 173 545_6_849 - Case 849. Lists and characteristics of evacuated, repatriated American volunteers 68 545_6_85 - Case 85. Personal files of the Albanian volunteers of the international brigades (AM) 242 545_6_850 - Case 850. Lists of American Volunteers Captured 17 545_6_851 - Case 851. Lists of American Volunteers Missing 31 545_6_852 - Case 852. Brief Characteristics of the American Volunteers of the International Brigades 234 545_6_853 - Case 853. Receipts and receipts for the receipt of money by American volunteers of the international brigades 69 545_6_854 - File 854. Inventory of the General Archive of American Volunteers of the International Brigades 1 545_6_855 - Case 855. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Aa-Ai) 133 545_6_856 - Case 856. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Al) 140 545_6_857 - Case 857. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Am-An) 113 545_6_858 - Case 858. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Ap-Ar) 96 545_6_859 - Case 859. Personal Files of American Volunteers (As-Az) 27 545_6_86 - Case 86. Personal files of Albanian volunteers of the International Brigades (NV) 195 545_6_860 - Case 860. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Ba-Ban) 139 545_6_861 - Case 861. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Bar-Baz) 186 545_6_862 - Case 862. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Bea-Ben) 152 545_6_863 - Case 863. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Ber-Bez) 151 545_6_864 - Case 864. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Bia-Bis) 86 545_6_865 - Case 865. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Bl) 66 545_6_866 - Case 866. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Bo) 275 545_6_867 - Case 867. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Bra-Bri) 117 545_6_868 - Case 868. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Ro-Bry) 257 545_6_87 - Case 87. Correspondence of the Commission on Foreign Personnel under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Spain with the Central Committee of the Communist Party of England 47 545_6_870 - Case 870. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Cab-Sar) 109 545_6_871 - Case 871. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Car-Cas) 81 545_6_872 - Case 872. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Ce-Chz) 196 545_6_873 - Case 873. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Cl) 66 545_6_874 - Case 874. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Coa-Coh) 149 545_6_875 - Case 875. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Col-Co) 164 545_6_876 - Case 876. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Sor-Coe) 109 545_6_877 - Case 877. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Сra-Cut) 143 545_6_878 - Case 878. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Da) 147 545_6_879 - Case 879. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Del-Den) 98 545_6_88 - Case 88. Records of the London Medical Aid Committee of Spain 52 545_6_880 - Case 880. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Dеm-Dew) 135 545_6_881 - Case 881. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Di) 77 545_6_882 - Case 882. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Do) 124 545_6_883 - Case 883. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Dr) 7 545_6_884 - Case 884. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Du-Dw) 133 545_6_885 - Case 885. Personal Files of American Volunteers (EA-El) 106 545_6_886 - Case 886. Personal Files of American Volunteers (En-Ex) 163 545_6_887 - Case 887. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Fa) 111 545_6_888 - Case 888. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Fe) 137 545_6_889 - Case 889. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Fi) 101 545_6_89 - Case 89. Different lists of British volunteers of the international brigades 87 545_6_890 - Case 890. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Fl) 42 545_6_891 - Case 891. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Fо) 124 545_6_892 - Case 892. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Fr) 85 545_6_893 - Case 893. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Fu) 49 545_6_894 - Case 894. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Ga) 206 545_6_895 - Case 895. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Ge) 72 545_6_897 - Case 897. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Gl-Gn) 76 545_6_90 - Case 90. Miscellaneous handwritten lists of English volunteers of the International Brigades 34 545_6_900 - Case 900. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Gоlf-Gоn) 87 545_6_901 - Case 901. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Go-Go) 124 545_6_902 - Case 902. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Gra-Gre) 136 545_6_906 - Case 906. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Han-Har) 125 545_6_908 - Case 908. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Nea-Hep) 145 545_6_909 - Case 909. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Hеr-Hеw) 81 545_6_91 - Case 91. Lists of English volunteers of the international brigades (notebooks) 317 545_6_910 - Case 910. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Hi-Hl) 72 545_6_911 - Case 911. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Ho-Hol) 103 545_6_92 - Case 92. Alphabetical lists with personal data of English volunteers 58 545_6_93 - Case 93. Lists with the characteristics of the British volunteers of the international brigades 30 545_6_94 - Case 94. Lists of British volunteers of the international brigades, members of the KP 50 545_6_95 - Case 95. Lists of volunteers - members of the CP, trade unions and the Labor Party of England 49 545_6_959 - Case 959. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Ras Rar) 166 545_6_96 - Case 96. Lists of non-partisan British volunteers of the international brigades 45 545_6_960 - Case 960. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Par-Raz) 133 545_6_961 - Case 961. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Rea-Ren) 60 545_6_962 - Case 962. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Per-Ret) 190 545_6_963 - Case 963. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Pi) 55 545_6_964 - Case 964. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Pl-Roh) 126 545_6_965 - Case 965. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Pr-Py) 96 545_6_966 - Case 966. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Q) 42 545_6_967 - Case 967. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Raa-Ran) 67 545_6_968 - Case 968. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Rap-Ray) 66 545_6_969 - Case 969. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Rea-Reh) 79 545_6_97 - Case 97. Lists of evacuated and repatriated British volunteers 42 545_6_970 - Case 970. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Rei-Rez) 99 545_6_971 - Case 971. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Rh-Ril) 74 545_6_972 - Case 972. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Rin-Riz) 61 545_6_973 - Case 973. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Roa-Rod) 113 545_6_974 - Case 974. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Roe-Rog) 75 545_6_975 - Case 975. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Roh-Rosc) 115 545_6_976 - Case 976. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Rose-Roz) 164 545_6_977 - Case 977. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Rub-Run) 89 545_6_978 - Case 978. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Rus-Ryd) 60 545_6_979 - Case 979. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Saa-Sam) 114 545_6_98 - Case 98. Lists of captured and missing British volunteers 15 545_6_980 - Case 980. Personal Files of American Volunteers (San-Say) 137 545_6_981 - Case 981. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Sca-Schl) 56 545_6_982 - Case 982. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Sсhm-Schr) 98 545_6_983 - Case 983. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Sсhu-Schw) 138 545_6_984 - Case 984. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Sci-Sec) 77 545_6_985 - Case 985: Personal Files of American Volunteers (Sed-Sex) 66 545_6_986 - Case 986. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Sha) 79 545_6_987 - Case 987. Personal Files of American Volunteers (She-Shu) 140 545_6_988 - Case 988. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Sia-Sil) 112 545_6_989 - Case 989. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Sim-Siv) 102 545_6_99 - Case 99. Lists of deserters, criminals of British nationality among the volunteers 31 545_6_990 - Case 990. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Sk-Sl) 47 545_6_991 - Case 991. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Sm) 171 545_6_992 - Case 992. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Sn-So) 121 545_6_993 - Case 993. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Sp-Sr) 126 545_6_994 - Case 994. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Sta-Ste) 149 545_6_995 - Case 995. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Sti-Sto) 98 545_6_996 - Case 996. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Str-Stu) 75 545_6_997 - Case 997. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Su-Sz) 146 545_6_999 - Case 999. Personal Files of American Volunteers (Tay-Te) 82